Yellow Sand (Aeolian Dust) Monitoring

Yellow sand is picked up and carried by wind from continental Asian deserts.

Case Example from the Gobi Desert

The Himawari images in Figures 1 - 4 (09:30 UTC, 9 June 2015) show sand picked up by strong winds associated with a cyclone developing around the Gobi Desert. Airborne sand is shown in grey in the visible image (0.64 μm) of Figure 1 and in brown in the True Color RGB composite image of Figure 2, as well as in the Natural Color RGB composite image of Figure 3. The Dust RGB composite image (Figure 4) developed to monitor yellow sand (shown in magenta) clearly shows its wind-related movement and dispersion.

Figure 1: Visible image
Figure 2: True Color RGB composite image

Figure 3: Natural Color RGB composite image
Figure 4: Dust RGB composite image

Case Example from around Japan

Figures 5 - 8 show yellow sand over northern Japan (03:00 UTC, 7 March 2016). Figure 5 is a visible image (0.64 μm), Figure 6 is a True Color RGB composite image, Figure 7 is a Natural Color RGB composite image and Figure 8 is a Dust RGB composite image. Yellow sand is clearly seen in magenta in Figure 8.

Figure 5: Visible image
Figure 6: True Color RGB composite image

Figure 7: Natural Color RGB composite image
Figure 8: Dust RGB composite image