Processing of Satellite Data

Operation Room
MSC Operation Room

MSC computer systems process observation data from the Himawari-8/9 (Geostationary satellites), and the NOAA and METOP (Polar-orbiting Satellites) along with other data such as NWP output. These data are used for various purposes, such as converting observed data into images, monitoring sea surface temperatures and yellow-sand events, and determining the characteristics of atmospheric flow.

The Meteorological Satellite Center (MSC) receives data from primary and secondary ground stations for preprocessing, and uses the information to create Himawari Standard Data, HRIT files and edited DCP data for provision to users. In the event that the MSC system becomes dysfunctional (e.g., due to a malfunction caused by a natural disaster), certain types of data and products can be provided by Osaka Regional Headquarters.

All imagery derived from Himawari-8/9 is distributed to NMHSs via an Internet cloud service. The HimawariCast service additionally disseminates primary sets of imagery via a communication satellite. JMA will also continue to operate the current online WIS Portal imagery distribution service and the JMA Data Dissemination System (JDDS). Further information on Himawari-8/9 data distribution is provided here.

Informations on sea surface temperatures, yellow-sand events, wind, cloud-top height and other parameters are also disseminated to NMHSs via the GTS for use in improving services such as weather forecasts.