1. Earthquake Information (file: 01event.txt) #Last updated: # Year [i4] Month [i2] Date [i2] Hour [i2] Minute [i2] Second [f4.2] Location Lon= Longitude (deg. E.) Lat= Latitude (deg. N.) Dep= Depth (km) M= JMA magnitude Type <*1> Filt= Minimum and maximum frequency of band-pass filtered waveforms (Hz) Sampling= Sampling interval of waveforms for inversion (second) Nsta= Number of stations for inversion Mo= Estimated seismic moment (Nm) Mw= Estimated moment magnitude Mxslp= Estimated maximum amount of slip (m) Res= Residual between observed and synthetic waveforms 2. Assumed fault model parameters (file: 02fault.txt) Nfault= Number of fault planes #Fault no. Xorg= Subfault no. of rupture starting point along strike direction Worg= Subfault no. of rupture starting point along dip direction Lon= Longitude of rupture starting point (deg. E.) Lat= Latitude of rupture starting point (deg. N.) Dep= Depth of rupture starting point(km) Dx= Length of subfault (km) Dw= Width of subfault (km) Vr= Rupture speed triggering the first time window (km/s) Ntmw= Number of triangles to express moment release history Dtmw= Duration of a triangle (second) Shift_tmw= Time shift between triangles next to each other (second) #Subfault no. along strike direction Subfault no. of dip direction Longitude at the center of subfault (deg. E.) Latitude at the center of subfault (deg. N.) Depth at the center of subfault(km) Strike(deg.) Dip(deg.) Rake angle(deg.) Time to trigger first time window (second) <*2> Mark <*2> 3. Moment release history (file: 03mom.txt) Dt= Time interval of moment release history below (second) #Fault number #Moment release amount at each time (Nm) <*3> 4. Slip distribution data (file: 04slip.txt) #Fault no. #Depth (km) Rigidity (GPa) #Subfault no. along strike direction Subfault no. along dip direction Rake angle (deg.) <*2> Slip amount (m) <*2> *1 "near"/"tele" indicates the analysis using strong motion/teleseismic body waves. "01"/"02" expresses that the results are estimated before/after inversion method was modified by Iwakiri et al. (2014) . There is one revision in the analysis with strong motion, as following:  ・Way to calculate the estimated seismic moment There are four revisions in the analysis with teleseismic body waves, as following:  ・Way to calculate the time to trigger the first time window on each subfault  ・Way to calculate the estimated seismic moment  ・Introduction of smoothing parameter in time  ・Introduction of Akaike's Bayesian Information Criterion (ABIC; Akaike, 1980) to determine hyperparameters *2 "0" and "-" mean that the subfault is not used in inversion while it is assumed. *3 The first number of each fault is the time to trigger the first time window at the first rupturing fault. The moment amounts are indicated until the values become 0 on each fault.