Himawari-8 AHI proxy data file February 2013 Meteorological Satellite Center Japan Meteorological Agency The file (h8ahiproxy_rstar_gsm_YYYYMMDDHHMN.tar.gz) contains AHI proxy data computed by radiative transfer simulation. The zipped file contains the directory and files shown below. YYYYMMDDHHMN/ |- h8ahiproxy_rstar_gsm_band01.nc |- h8ahiproxy_rstar_gsm_band02.nc |- h8ahiproxy_rstar_gsm_band03.nc |- h8ahiproxy_rstar_gsm_band04.nc |- h8ahiproxy_rstar_gsm_band05.nc |- h8ahiproxy_rstar_gsm_band06.nc |- h8ahiproxy_rstar_gsm_band07.nc |- h8ahiproxy_rstar_gsm_band08.nc |- h8ahiproxy_rstar_gsm_band09.nc |- h8ahiproxy_rstar_gsm_band10.nc |- h8ahiproxy_rstar_gsm_band11.nc |- h8ahiproxy_rstar_gsm_band12.nc |- h8ahiproxy_rstar_gsm_band13.nc |- h8ahiproxy_rstar_gsm_band14.nc |- h8ahiproxy_rstar_gsm_band15.nc |- h8ahiproxy_rstar_gsm_band16.nc "YYYYMMDDHHMN" represents the date and time of the proxy data. YYYY: year MM : month DD : day HH : hour MN : minute band01 to band16 represent observation bands of AHI as shown below: band01: 0.46um (Visible) band02: 0.51um (Visible) band03: 0.64um (Visible) band04: 0.86um (Near-Infrared) band05: 1.6um (Near-Infrared) band06: 2.3um (Near-Infrared) band07: 3.9um (Infrared) band08: 6.2um (Infrared) band09: 7.0um (Infrared) band10: 7.3um (Infrared) band11: 8.6um (Infrared) band12: 9.6um (Infrared) band13: 10.4um (Infrared) band14: 11.2um (Infrared) band15: 12.3um (Infrared) band16: 13.3um (Infrared) For details, see http://www.data.jma.go.jp/mscweb/en/himawari89/space_segment/spsg_ahi_proxy.html